
8th International Engineering Conference Mansoura-Sharm Elsheik

Mohamed ElDabosy, Osama Farag and Wael Moustafa

17 November 2015


The assessment of passive building efficiency to reach the indoor environmental quality has some difficulties because using of one rating system to evaluate both passive and active buildings and that may be unjust for passive buildings which haven't active techniques. This research tries to promote separated assessment method for passive techniques to evaluate the quality of its indoor environment. The research analyzes five different green building rating systems BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, PBRS and GPRS, Then calculates weighting proportions of passive credit according to the technical manual. The study found that passive design could achieve maximum of 71.34% of credit points. The research produces an independent method for passive designs based on analyzation of credit proportions.


Indoor Environmental Quality, Passive Design, Green Building Rating Systems